Website Workout Post e1725469241436

CrossFit Workouts Week of 11.11.24

Monday 11.11.24
For Time:
1000 Box Step-Ups (20″)
* Option to add a 45/35# – ruck, plate, vest, or DB.

Tuesday 11.12.24
Extended Warm-up
9 Minute EMOM:
MIN 1 – :50 Foam Roll
MIN 2 – :15 Active Hang + 7-10 Scap Pull-Ups
MIN 3 – :50 Calorie Bike or Row

* Start EZ Pace and build to workout pace.

3 Sets for Quality:
2:00 Cardio Choice
10 Strict Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
5 DB Front Raise + Lateral Raise
2:00 Cardio Choice
10 DB Pull-Overs (Athlete Choice)
1:00 Plank

* 1 Rep = 1 DB Front Raise + 1 DB Lateral Raise.
* Complete pullovers on the floor.
* No extra rest between sets.

Wednesday 11.13.24
Push Press
On a 20:00 running clock…
Build to a 1-Rep

2 Rounds for Time:
Shoulder to Overhead (115/75#)
Toes to Bar

* 12 minute time cap.

Thursday 11.14.24
Barbell Bent Over Rows

* Start light-moderate and build to moderate-heavy.
* Complete 25 Banded Lat Pull-Downs after each set.

16 Minute EMOM:
MIN 1&2 – 500/400m Row
MIN 3 – :45 Max Russian KB Swing (70/53#)
MIN 4 – :45 Static Hold Choice

*Static Hold Options: Plank, Tuck/ Hollow Hold, HS Hold, Dead hang

Friday 11.15.24
Back Squat
On a 25:00 running clock…
Build to a 1-Rep

For Time:
20 Handstand Push-Ups
30 Back Squats (135/95#)
40 Burpees
50 Wall Balls (20/14″)

* 12 minute time cap.

Saturday 11.16.24
Extended Warm-up
8 Minute EMOM:
MIN 1 – 3 Power Clean
MIN 2 – Reps of Gymnastics

* Build to and potentially past Workout Weight.
* Gymnastics Options: 3-5 Ring Rows, 3-5 Pull-Ups, 1-2 Muscle-Ups

In teams of 2…
20 Minute AMRAP:
1 Muscle-Up or 2 Pull-Ups
2 Power Cleans (205/145#)
20 Double Unders or 40 Single Unders

* P1 completes a full round while P2 rests. Once a full round is complete partners switch.
* Athletes can choose either ring or bar muscle-ups.

Sunday 11.17.24
4 Rounds for Time:
25/20 Calorie Bike or 30/24 Calorie Row
20 Box Step-Overs (24/20″)
25 DB Goblet Squats (50/35#)
200 Meter DB Suitcase Carry

* 24 minute time cap.

6 Minute EMOM:
MIN 1 – :45 Alt. V-Ups
MMIN 2 – :45 Plank Hold