Website Workout Post e1725469241436

CrossFit Workouts Week of 12.02.24

Monday 12.02.24
Push Jerk
On a 16:00 running clock…
Build to a moderate 5-Rep

* Slightly heavier than workout weight.

“Cyber Cycle”
3 Rounds for Time:
500/400 Meter Row or 1200/1000 Meter Bike
20 Toes to Bar
10 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105#)

* 15 minute time cap.

Tuesday 12.03.24

* Start mod-heavy and build to heavy.

“It’s Giving Heavvvy”
On a 10:00 running clock…
60 Wall Balls (20/14#)
Immediately Into AMRAP in remaining time of:
6 Deadlifts (275/185#)
12 Box Jumps (24/20″)

Wednesday 12.04.24
“Cookie Crumble Crusher”
For Time:
40/30 Calorie Bike or 50/40 Calorie Row
40 Pull-Ups
60/45 Calorie Bike or 70/55 Calorie Row
30 Chest to Bars
80/60 Calorie Bike or 90/70 Calorie Row
20 Bar Muscle-Ups

* 25 minute time cap.

Thursday 12.05.24
Gymnastics Work
On a 10:00 running clock…
Practice Handstand Skill: HS Walking, Freestanding HS, Wall Handstand, Pike Box Walking

“Tabout Time”
TABATA (8 Sets :20 On/:10 Off)
TABATA 1 – Double or Single Unders
TABATA 2 – Russian KB Swing (Athlete Choice)
TABATA 3 – Burpees
TABATA 4 – Air Squat

* Rest 1:00 between tabatas.

Friday 12.06.24
3 Sets:
10/10 DB Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats
* Rest :30
12-15 Tempo Sumo Stance DB RDL (20X0)

* Rest 2:00 between sets.

“St. Nicholas’s Chimney Climb”
15 Minute AMRAP:
200 Meter Run
6 Back Rack Alt. Lunges (95/65#)
2 Rope Climbs

* Each round increase lunges by 4 Reps. (Ex: RND 1= 6, RND 2= 10, and so on. )

Saturday 12.07.24
Clean & Jerk
8 Mintue EMOM:
1 Power Clean & Jerk

* Start mod-light and build to workout weight.

“Pearl Harbor Partner Assault”
In teams of 2…
41 Rounds for Time:
1 Power Clean & Jerk (225/155#)
3 Strict Handstand Push-Ups or DB Strict Press

* P1 completes a full round while P2 rests. Once a round is completed, partners switch. Split the last round.
* 22 minute time cap.

Sunday 12.08.24
“Mary’s Three Course Meal”
10 Minute EMOM:
MIN 1 – :45 Cardio Choice
MIN 2 – :45 DB Floor Press (Athlete Choice)

* Rest 2:00

10 Minute EMOM:
MIN 1 – :45 Cardio Choice
MIN 2 – :45 Ring Rows

* Rest 2:00

10 Minute EMOM:
MIN 1 – :45 Cardio Choice
MIN 2 – :45 Sit-Ups

* Option to Run, Bike, Row, Jump Rope or Ski for Cardio Choice
* Option to Add DB for Weighted Sit-Up or Option for GHDSU.
* Score is total reps of minute 2 movement.