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Move 45 Workouts Week of 11.25.24

Monday 11.25.24
4 Sets
5 Minute AMRAP:
20 Rope Climb Crunches
20 Walking Lunges
50 Single Unders
:30 Plank Hold

* Rest 1:00 between sets.
* Start each set from the top.

Tuesday 11.26.24 Move 45 at Home
5 Set for Max Reps:
1:00 – Cossack Squats
1:00 – Surrenders
1:00 – Cardio Choice

* Rest 1:00 between sets.

Wednesday 11.27.24
22 Minute AMRAP:
15 Calorie Bike or 25 Calorie Row
20 KB Swings
15 Sit Ups
10 Burpees

Thursday 11.28.24 Move 45 at Home
Happy Thanksgiving!

Enjoy a 2 mile walk with family or go for a slow 2 mile jog on your own.

Friday 11.29.24 Move 45 at Home

TABATA: 8 SETS (:20 ON / :10 OFF)
TABATA 1 – Burpees
TABATA 2 – Hollow Flutter Kicks
TABATA 3 – Air Squat
TABATA 4 – Weighted Sit-Up

* Rest 1:00 between tabatas.

Saturday 11.30.24
2 Sets
On an 8:00 running clock…
50 Plate Hops
40 Box Step Ups or Plate Step Ups
30 DB Floor Press
20 Box Dips
10 DB Hang Muscle Clean
Max Glute Bridge in time remaining…

* Rest 2:00 between sets.
* Note: If too much time remains on the clock for glute bridge hold, perform 5 glute bridges, then hold for 10 seconds. Repeat until clock runs out.